Children may be different, but their thoughts and emotions
are as REAL as VALID as BEAUTIFUL and
as IMPORTANT as anyone's
At IDEA our mission is to educate children in the most positive and natural manner in order to help them realize successful change.
Call Us
212-249-3806 / FAX: 212-249-3786
Individualized Development Education Associates is a unique group of highly skilled therapists providing services specific to your child’s needs in a positive and caring environment.
Most programs, and schools, tend to make the child fit into their outlined curriculum. Given that each child has individualized needs, we design a therapeutic plan to correct issues preventing your child from progressing in an academic setting. At IDEA, we carefully design a program that addresses your child’s strengths and weaknesses. IDEA is comprised of Behavior Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, S.E.I.T. providers, educational tutors/learning specialists and BCBA certified therapists.
At IDEA we combine intense teaching with natural environment learning which builds generalization that targets all skills.
We strive to create a balance of addressing your child’s issues while insuring that positive results are generalized to all environments. Our associates serve children with a variety of special needs including, but not limited to: children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); attention deficit disorder; behavioral issues; ADHD; developmental delays; speech and language delays; occupational therapy issues; socialization difficulties, and children who may present with delays in academic areas.
Our methodology is based on natural environment teaching, generalization of skills, and behavioral techniques, which includes bringing children into the community while learning to navigate real world challenges. IDEA was created so that each child receives individualized programming that emphasizes appropriate behaviors, social skills, as well as language and play skills. Parent consultation and weekly supervision is a critical component of our work.